Mom's Garden Secret

All Natural Insect and Disease Control 

NOW with Cedar Oil

Cedar oil is one of the best natural insect controls there is. 

Added to Mom's Garden Secret, it increases the strength to handle the harder-to-control, harmful insects without harming the environment.

It also contains insecticidal soap, acetic acid, sodium bicarbonate and vegetable oil. All of these are natural ingredients and combined in the right ratio for effective results. 

As well, it has the added ingredients to control fungus and other plant diseases. Just spray on both top and bottom of the plant leaves.

Spray directly on the insects you want to eliminate from your garden. That way you don't kill the helpful insects.

Insect and Disease Control

8 oz Insect and Disease Control Bottle

This 8-oz bottle, when added to a gallon of water, provides an economical insect control spray for your plants. It is all-natural and nontoxic to humans and animals. 
It contains insecticidal soap and cedar oil that harms only the insects you spray it on. 
The fungus control aspect of this product is also all-natural and nontoxic and just kills the disease-creating fungus that decides to make your plant its home.
The benefit of this product is that you get fungus and insect control in the same spray bottle! You don't have to buy two different bottles to handle what is going wrong with your plants.

                                  Only $29.95  Free shipping.

Amount needed
The black spots shown on this papaya leaf is a fungus called "black spot" and it is said to be fatal to the plant. This photo was taken before the second spraying

 The white spots are where the fungi were before spraying the first time. The fungus is gone from the white areas leaving only the small pieces of leaf which is dead.

This will not affect the plant as the papaya loses its leaves on a regular basis anyway. The important thing is that the black
 spot is killed and the plant survives.

The second photo is after the second spraying of the plant. The black spot is totally gone. The plant was checked two weeks later and there were no more instances of the fungus! All new leaves were spot-free!